hardworking UX frontend focused fullstack developer

Hello, I am Paul a frontend focused fullstack developer.

I am a frontend focused fullstack developer based in northern Ireland with a number of years experince working with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Most recently I have been using react with next.js to build fast immersive frontend experinces which can run in serverless enviorments like Netlify.

In my spare time I like to keep active in the local tech community and regularly attend our local tech meetup Newry digital. I have a vivid imagination and a thirst for all things fanatsy and sci-fiction.

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Proficent with semantic HTML5 and CSS3 along with pre-processors such as sass and postcss, experinced with css frameworks like bootstrap

Javascript & React

knowledge of modern es6 Javascript, Typescript and best practices. Familar with frameworks such as react and tools such as next.js

Firebase & MongoDB

I have previously work with both Firebase and MongoDB to manage and preform CRUD operations from my frontend projects.

NodeJS & Webpack

well versed in using project tools such as node.js , npm and webpack to create and build modular es6 Javascript. As well as versioning tools like git

I work with paul at Livetree he is a great developer and very well versed in Javascript, HTML and CSS and a pleasure to work with.


I know paul from our regular tech meetups he is a great guy with and avid interest in tech and frontend development


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Base camp

Warrenpoint, co.Down , northern Ireland




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