Hello, I am Paul a frontend focused fullstack developer.
I am a frontend focused fullstack developer based in northern Ireland with a number of years experince working with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Most recently I have been using react with next.js to build fast immersive frontend experinces which can run in serverless enviorments like Netlify.
In my spare time I like to keep active in the local tech community and regularly attend our local tech meetup Newry digital. I have a vivid imagination and a thirst for all things fanatsy and sci-fiction.
Find out moreBrowse my latest projects.

This is my first portfolio setup using webpack node.js and modern module based javascript.

This is a wordpress site completely built by myself from the ground up including plugins and scripts.

This is a small project of three javascript games setup to practice working with jest and react testing libary for testing react projects. it is setup using react with next.js.

this is a update for my portfolio site. I updated it to utilizie react and next.js. this choice was made to take advantage of some of the great tools which come as standard with the next.js framework for improving page speed and image optimization. as a result the site is very fast and responsive and has great lighthouse scores.
Proficent with semantic HTML5 and CSS3 along with pre-processors such as sass and postcss, experinced with css frameworks like bootstrap
knowledge of modern es6 Javascript, Typescript and best practices. Familar with frameworks such as react and tools such as next.js
I have previously work with both Firebase and MongoDB to manage and preform CRUD operations from my frontend projects.
well versed in using project tools such as node.js , npm and webpack to create and build modular es6 Javascript. As well as versioning tools like git

Current and last role
I work with paul at Livetree he is a great developer and very well versed in Javascript, HTML and CSS and a pleasure to work with.
I know paul from our regular tech meetups he is a great guy with and avid interest in tech and frontend development